The mega Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahemdabad is set to host the blockbuster India vs Pakistan clash at the upcoming ODI World Cup, which is scheduled to be held in October-November across India. Although the official dates are yet to be announced but as per a report by ESPNCricinfo the two arch rivals are locked to meet on October 15.
The report further mentioned that England and New Zealand, who clash in the finale of the previous edition, will kick-off the tournament on October 5, while India will launch their campaign against Australia in Chennai on October 8.
As per the report, a draft schedule was shared by BCCI to ICC, who then passed it to the participating countries for a feedback. A final call will taken once ICC receive the feedback and final draft is expected to be released by next week.
The venues for the marquee clash – semifinals and finals – are yet to be finalised. The dates for the semifinals are likely to be November 15 and 16, while the final will be played on November 19, and Ahmedabad is reported to be the venue for the summit clash.