Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) president Sourav Ganguly was recently left annoyed by a reporter who had asked for an interview during India’s Asia Cup campaign in the UAE. India had put on a disappointing show in the tournament where they had headed in as defending champions and the outright favourites. However, the Men in Blue were knocked out in the Super 4 stage of the tournament which was eventually won by Sri Lanka, for the fifth time in history.
The incident happened after Virat Kohli had ended his long century drought in international cricket with a stunning and unbeaten 122 against Afghanistan in what as India’s final game in Asia Cup.
A reporter had approached Ganguly just outside the stadium entrance, asking for an interview, but the former India captain was irked by the permission, saying that he doesn’t want to give an interview now and rather wants to watch the match.
“Baad me karlenge yaar abhi match dekhne do. Aap ekdin Kolkata me aao. Shanti se interview karenge. Aise kya hota he,” he said.
In the clip, another reporter was heard asking Ganguly for a word on Kohli’s century. It was the former India captain’s first international ton in 1021 days and after 84 innings, and most importantly, his first ever in the T20I format. However, Ganguly ignored the reporter and walked away inside the stadium.
However, in a recent interview on the YouTube channel TRS Clips, Ganguly was full of praise for Kohli with reference to his skillset.
“The comparison should be in terms of skill as a player. I think he is more skilful than I’m. We played in different generations, and we played a lot of cricket. I played in my generation, and he will continue playing, probably playing more games than I did. At present moment, I have played more than what he has but he’ll get past that. He is tremendous,” said Ganguly.