Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor’s Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar could be the next big blockbuster! The film is doing wonders at the box office, and fans are loving Ranbir-Shraddha’s fresh pairing. On its first weekend in theatres, TJMM minted a whopping Rs 70 crore.
On the opening day, the Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor-starrer earned Rs 15 crore in India. For the next three days, it remained steady by earning Rs 10 crore in a single day. However, on Day 4, which was the film’s first Saturday, TJMM saw a massive jump in its collection as it earned Rs 16 crore on March 11. On Day 5, March 12, it added another Rs 17.08 crore, taking the total to Rs 70.24 Meanwhile, Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar had an overall 23.53 per cent Hindi occupancy on Sunday, March 12.Trade analyst Taran Adarsh wrote on Instagram, “#TuJhoothiMainMakkaar packs a solid number in its extended weekend… Biz on Sat and Sun gave the film that extra push… Weekdays crucial, all eyes on Mon… Wed 15.73 cr, Thu 10.34 cr, Fri 10.52 cr, Sat 16.57 cr, Sun 17.08 cr. Total: ₹ 70.24 cr. #India biz. #TJMM (sic).”