Shah Rukh Khan held yet another Ask SRK session on X (Twitter) on Friday. The superstar had some time to spare took up some interesting and some hilarious questions from his fans. One of them included an inquiry on the reptile situation at his million dollar home.
Lizards at Mannat?
Starting the session, Shah Rukh tweeted, “It’s Friday evening….and I am all alone….thought will spend a few minutes with you all. Then #Jawan dekhne jaana hai…ha ha. #AskSRK for a bit are you all Readyyyy.!!”
A fan asked SRK, “Mannat me chipkaliya aati hai kya (Do you get lizards at Mannat).” The actor had a sweet reply even for the whacky question. He said, “Chipkaliya toh nahi dekhi Titliyaan bahut aati hain….very beautiful ones the kids love seeing them on the flowers.”
Another shared a meme video from Jawan of Vikram Rathore dancing with girls while his dead wife Aishwarya (played by Deepika Padukone) cried in heaven. “Hey vikram rathore, aishwarya is watching you from heaven having fun with other girls and azad, what will you tell Aishwarya?” Shah Rukh replied, “She knows deep down inside I am a romantic and heart and respect women too much. She must be happy I am having fun!! You also have some fun now.”
The single mom angle
A fan also asked Shah Rukh about Azad’s bond with Suji and how Narmada was shown to be a single mom. “I loved Azad’s bond with Suji …the single mom storyline was so subtly done and really refreshing. Thank you for representing women from all walks of life. Love you Shah @iamsrk,” they wrote. Shah Rukh rued that their scenes had to be cut short in the final edit. “I also felt that the story of Narmada as a single mom was amazing. Unfortunately in the scheme of things couldn’t find more screen time but as is was also wonderful,” he said.
Donate anything to charity?
A fan also asked him if he plans to give some of the box office earnings to charity. SRK replied, “Yeah the whole family has been saying it. Will start with all our partners that Meer Foundation works with to show everyone the film. Being an entertainer if I can make all of them smile it will be most satisfying. Telling @RedChilliesEnt just now. Tks for the idea. #Jawan.”
Jawan released on September 7 and also starred Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra and Deepika and Sanjay Dutt in a special appearance. The film has earned ₹937 crore within 15 days of release.