Samantha Ruth Prabhu is having a blast in Bali with her friend, Anusha Swamy. The actor recently announced a break from acting to focus on her health and get treatment for Myositis, an auto-immune condition. After announcing the time off, Samantha travelled around the country before leaving for Bali. She has been sharing pictures from her time there, and her latest post shows her doing yoga at her resort’s gym. Read all the benefits of the pose for midweek motivation.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu does Downward Dog Aerial Yoga Pose
Samantha Ruth Prabhu shared a video of herself doing the Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) pose with an Aerial Yoga twist on her Instagram stories. She tagged her friend, Anusha Swamy, and captioned the post, “Day 2 [white heart emoji].” The post shows Samantha attending an Aerial Yoga class at her resort’s gym in Bali. To do the Downward Dog Aerial Yoga pose, Samantha balanced her body on the harness by placing her lower torso on it. Then, she did the asana by keeping her legs straight, bending her body forward and extending her hands to touch the floor. Check it out below.