A 19-year-old girl from Ohio, named Mackenzie Shirilla who deliberately drove at 100mph and led to a “hell on wheels” horrific car crash in July 2022, has been jailed for between 15 years and life in prison. The incident had led to the death of her two friends.
In the deadly car crash, Mackenzie’s boyfriend named 20-year-old Dominic Russo and their friend 19-year-old Davion Flanagan had died.
“This was not reckless driving, this was murder,” said the Judge while pronouncing the verdict in the case.
“Mackenzie decided death was the ultimate goal that day and she alone made that decision for Dominic and Davion,” the Judge added.
Mackenzie will be eligible to apply for parole after completing 15 years of her sentence in prison. The sentencing has been made on week after Mackenzie was convicted on 12 counts, including murder.
According to prosecutors, Mackenzie was on a “mission of death” and had planned a murder-suicide. However, she survived in the crash.
Before the sentence was read to her, a teary-eyed Mackenzie told the court: “The families of Dominic and Davion, I’m so deeply sorry. I hope one day you can see I would never let this happen or do it on purpose. I wish I could remember what happened.”
“We were all friends, and Dom was my soul mate. I wish I could take all your pain away. And to my family, thank you for the support and all the love you guys give. I love you all so much,” said Mackenzie.
Earlier, in a viral TikTok video, Mackenzie shared with the viewers, “I’m not even cool. I’m just one of those girls that can do a lot of drugs and not die.”
In a memorial page to Dominic, Mackenzie wrote ” God ! you are the last person to deserve this. You had such a perfect life ahead of you. I miss you”.