Madhuri Dixit, Nora Fatehi, and Karan Johar were spotted outside the Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10 set in Mumbai on Friday. The three will be judging celebrity contestants on the dance-based reality show, which will reportedly begin airing in the next couple of months. Shilpa Shinde, Amruta Khanvilkar, and Nia Sharma are some of the celebs, who will be seen on Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10. Read more: Jhalak Dikhlaa Jaa 10 confirmed contestants
At the Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10 shoot, Nora looked stunning in her shimmery golden gown. She wore her embellished outfit, which featured a thigh high slit, with minimal makeup and a simple hairstyle. Meanwhile, Madhuri Dixit arrived on the set looking pretty in pink. She paired her pink saree with heavy earrings. Videos of Nora and Madhuri’s latest looks were shared on paparazzi and fan accounts on social media. While some fans noticed how Nora’s ‘Western’ look was in contrast to Madhuri’s ‘Indian’ look, others said they could not wait to see the two actors together on the judging panel. A fan wrote for Nora and Madhuri, ‘the most beautiful women’. While a person also called Madhuri ‘a national treasure’.
Meanwhile, Karan Johar wore a shimmery golden pantsuit for the Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10 shoot. The filmmaker paired his outfit with black shades and golden boots. Madhuri had spoken about working with Karan and Nora as a judge on the upcoming reality show. The show is all set to make a comeback with its 10th season after a gap of five years. A date for the premiere episode has not been announced yet.
“Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa is a huge platform for all the celebrities to connect with their fans and showcase their unseen dance avatars. I have witnessed many non-dancers evolve into great dancers on the show, which marks an incredible transformation journey. Having judged four seasons in the past, this show holds a very special place in my heart. It feels like a homecoming to me. With Karan Johar and Nora Fatehi joining in, it is going to be a house on fire, and I am eagerly looking forward to it,” Madhuri recently said.