Friday, March 14, 2025

Do you have diabetes? Follow these Ayurveda dos and don’tsDiabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy as per CDC (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention). When one is suffering from diabetes, the body either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use the insulin which means too much sugar stays in your bloodstream and over the time can lead to health problems like diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, vision difficulties etc. (Also read: Eat strawberry to lower blood sugar; know its wonderful benefits for diabetes)

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Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy as per CDC (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention). When one is suffering from diabetes, the body either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use the insulin which means too much sugar stays in your bloodstream and over the time can lead to health problems like diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, vision difficulties etc. (Also read: Eat strawberry to lower blood sugar; know its wonderful benefits for diabetes)

In Ayurveda, diabetes is called Madhumeh (Madhu + Meh) which translates to sweet-smelling urine, which is also a symptom of the metabolic disease. However, diabetes is not caused by just sugar intake, there are various factors that may increase our chances of getting the disease. Sedentary lifestyle, family history of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, physical inactivity may all raise our risk of getting diabetes.

As per Ayurveda diabetes is caused by imbalance of kapha dosha. A Kapha dominance must be addressed with a balanced lifestyle to prevent diabetes.

In Ayurveda, diabetes is called Madhumeh (Madhu + Meh) which translates to sweet-smelling urine, which is also a symptom of the metabolic disease. However, diabetes is not caused by just sugar intake, there are various factors that may increase our chances of getting the disease. Sedentary lifestyle, family history of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, physical inactivity may all raise our risk of getting diabetes.

As per Ayurveda diabetes is caused by imbalance of kapha dosha. A Kapha dominance must be addressed with a balanced lifestyle to prevent diabetes.

Ayurveda expert Dr Nikita Kohli suggests some dos and don’ts that must be followed by a person with diabetes.

* Do not drink honey mixed in warm water.

* One should avoid sleeping during the day.

Try to eat only when hungry.

* One should not wake up during the night.

* One should not overeat and be more active throughout the day

* Start self-care by taking out time for your body and mind

* Apply lepa of khas, cinnamon, cardamom, agar, chandana on body

* Do udavartana (body scrubbing) and rub the scrub off the body

Yoga asanas for diabetes

It is also recommended to make certain lifestyle changes like doing Yoga everyday which can have a calming effect on people. Yoga and meditation also keep stress and obesity in check and can reduce your chances of diabetes.

Balasana, surya namaskar, vajrasana, pranayama, sarvangasana and dhanurasana are some of the postures that diabetics should practice.


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